One Word

If you could sum up Motherhood in one word, what would it be?

Take some time to think about it.

Factor in ALL your experiences and learning along the way. Now summarise in one word.


Motherhood for me is:

From the very first moment when 2 faint lines appeared on numerous tests I was surprised.

As my stomach grew and my body and mind morphed into ways I could never imagine I was surprised.

When the contractions hit and my waters leaked I was surprised. Surprised that the pain wasn’t as bad as I imagined (at first) and that my waters could leak (no gushing like Charlotte in SATC?) 17 hours later the surprise hit again when I couldn’t comprehend how I could possibly still be alive yet be in such excruciating pain.

Surprise! It’s a BOY.

17 months later, surprised I “forgot” the pain..

Surprise! It’s a GIRL.

Each and every day the surprise continues.

I’m surprised at the amount of love and pain I feel through you.

I’m surprised with how you make me feel like the luckiest yet loneliest person at the same time.

I’m surprised with how I can go from “poster mum” to “crazy psycho mum” within minutes.

I’m surprised with the patience I find during your tantrums and at times with the tears I cry instead.

I’m surprised by your abilities that continue to flourish and develop each day right before my eyes.

I’m surprised with how proud and honoured I feel when I hear myself coming out through you.

I’m surprised with how easy and then how difficult some days are to get through but how quickly time can pass.

I’m surprised with the amount of guilt I feel about whether I’m doing enough, have done enough or are making the right choices for you.

I’m surprised with the fear, yet joy I feel for all you will achieve in your future.

Everything you do, all we experience, the big and small things surprise me each and every day.

I never knew how much my life would change until I had you, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I’m surprised that after all the tantrums, screaming, tears and sleep deprivation, all I need is a smile, kiss or cuddle to perfectly end my day.

So, what was your one word?

How would you sum up Motherhood?

Sending you love,

