This too shall pass

Hey mama,

Hang in there ‘cos..

This too shall pass.

You won’t always be suffering from sickness, heartburn, sciatica, peeing every minute or pregnancy insomnia. There will come a day when..

This too shall pass.

All those vomit stained tops, eye bags, hourly feeds and poo explosions won’t be around forever..

This too shall pass.

Those dreaded dragged out bed times, sleepless nights, midnight wake ups, bed wetting, kicks in the head, feet in the ribs, early mornings will also one day fade..

This too shall pass.

The patting, rocking, swaying, pram pushing, car rides, dummy, comforter, white noise tricks wont always be needed..

This too shall pass.

The terrible twos, threenager, fournado, tantrums, negotiations, hair pulling, biting, and all out crazy kid behaviour will vanish..

This too shall pass.

The strong need for botomless pits of coffee, tea, wine, “anything to get me through this day” will diminish..

This too shall pass.

You won’t always be googling late at night, scrolling through endless articles or monitoring leaps, thunderstorms and other crazy regressions as..

This too shall pass.

Every stage is temporary.

Every confusing moment will one day become clear.

Every sleepless night will one day no longer be.

Every moment of doubt,

Every tear,

Every tantrum,

Every moment of defeat,

Is temporary.

And YES in those moments it’s hard, SO hard, to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

But it’s there.

Shining ever so dimly waiting for you.

So next time you feel frustrated, overwhelmed, confused or simply over it….

Take a deep breath and remember…

Sending you love,



Let’s talk….. BIRTH

Let’s talk…birth stories.

Experience is the best teacher and with the abundance of contradictory facts out there, I find it settling to learn and listen to real life experiences. (Keeping in mind everyone is different)

Help a mum to be out, by sharing your stories in the comments below. Here’s a few questions to get you started:

My labour was…….. min/hours/days

I had a birth plan……

I USED my birth plan…..

I took some sort of pain relief offered…..

During labour I swore I’d never have another child (but I did)……

If I could tell you ONE thing about birth it would be……
Leave your replies below 👇 
Sending you love,



Missing you

Do you ever miss your husband/partner/significant other?

Like ACTUALLY miss them?

Mines currently sitting next to me, so I’m not referring to the distance kind of miss but in the pre parenting relationship kinda miss?

I do.

I miss the uninterrupted conversations we had. The hours we could talk about anything and finish a converstaion the same day we started it.

I miss the cuddles. The times when it was just him and I in the bed. The same bed. Alone. With no elbows to the face or knees in the ribs. 

I miss the dinners or breakfasts where we spent time people watching instead of cleaning up squashed $17 avo from the floor or taking turns chasing the getaway child. 

I miss the spontaneity of deciding to go out anywhere last minute without contempting the impact it would have on the 3 hours sleep we usually get or packing the suitcase of necessities.

I miss the road trips. In the CLEAN car listening to normal music at a high volume. There’s only so much “eye spy” one can take on the freeway. 

I miss my husband. 

Just being with him. 

Focusing on him.

Focusing on us.

But then I look down at the two little people literally attached to my legs and I realise that once this stage passes too, I will miss it.

So for the next few years part time co-sleeping and half finished conversations over smashed avocado is as good as it’s going to get! 

Plus the occasional date night will get us through!

Sending you love,



30 things no-one tells you


From the minute you pee on the stick and receive a positive reading,  you know your life is about to change forever. But noone ever tells you exactly how GREAT that change will be. There may be a number of reasons for this.. and nothing will truly ever prepare you for the journey you’re about to embark on, but here’s my list of things noone tells you about pregnancy, birth and motherhood.

1. Morning sickness doesn’t just happen in the morning and it doesn’t always miraculously pass after 12 weeks. It also doesn’t just mean vomitting and sometimes if you’re super lucky it doesn’t even happen at all.

2. You will have dreams when you’re pregnant. Weird dreams. Scary dreams. Crazy dreams.

3. You may or may not have any cravings. Not even weird ones. Just none at all.

4. Heartburn is a bitch.  So is hair loss, hair growth, swollen feet, swollen hands, stretch marks, cellulite, dietary restrictions, cramps, sciatica, back pain, seat belts, weak bladder, hormones and at times just breathing in general.

5. You will never sleep comfortably again. Never. Save your money. All these pregnant pillows and gadgets won’t make a difference.

6. You will find people are rude and invasive. Maybe it’s your hormones or maybe just MAYBE you should stop touching my stomach and telling me how huge I am.

7. Your body will morph, change and do things you never thought were possible.

8. You will be tired and lazier than usual. Carrying and growing a human is hard work, plus you’ll think twice about whether or not you really need that object you dropped on the floor.

9. You will google like you have NEVER googled before.

10. You will be scared. Terrified. Frightened. Stressed. Anxious. Nervous. Alot more than usual.


11. You will never be prepared enough for the birth. So just try and relax and go with the flow.

12. Take the drugs if you need to. Do what ever you have to to survive the process.

13. Everything will leak. Like… EVERYTHING.

14. You will cry and scream…alot  during birth.

15. You might shake uncontrollably during labour.

16. You will be poked, prodded, harassed, & violated by hundreds of different people. They’ve seen it all before so leave your dignity at the door.

17. You will have pains after the birth. In your stomach, down below, your boobs, your head, your entire body will ache. Don’t get me started on the after birth poo 🤕

18. Your stomach won’t always instantly deflate. Your body will change in someway or another forever.

19. You will want to give up. You will swear to never have another child again. But odds are you probably will.

20. You will fall in love. With your baby, with your partner and with yourself for what you’ve just achieved.  Maybe not all 3 at the same time. And maybe not all 3 instantly. But eventually.

21. You will be high in the first few days after the birth. High on life. On adrenaline. You will also be delusional and in shock, as well as weirdly happy for probably 2 days.

22. Day 3 is the worst. Sometimes day 4, 5, & 6 too. Sometimes longer. But be prepared for day 3. Your baby is adjusting to the world. To life outside the womb. To air. To food.  They will be hungry and you will most probably have no milk yet. So they will cry. And cry and cry and cry….


23.  The only conversations you will have will be about:
-The birth
-Who the baby looks like
-When the next one is
-How tired you are
-If the baby is a ‘good baby’ (seriously)

24. You will never sleep in again. Or sleep comfortably. Or peacefully. Or just sleep in general. Therefore you will be tired.  Really effing tired.

25. You will fight with your partner. Alot. Who’s more tired, who works harder, who’s turn it is to feed/change/settle/cook/clean/shower.

26. You will feel like giving up. You will feel like you have failed. Like you’re not good enough or doing enough. You will question everything you do.


27. You will receive “advice” from everyone. Everyone will become a parenting expert.

28. You will miss your old life. Your old self. Your own time. The silence. The freedom. The sleep. The long showers/baths. The privacy. You will finally realise how you took all these simple things for granted. Then you’ll feel guilty for feeling this way.

29. You will be forgotten. Sometimes totally. Sometimes just for a while. But people will always look for the baby before they acknowledge you.

30. You will survive. No matter how bad your day is. No matter how many times you’ve cried or screamed or lost your cool. You WILL get through it. It will be hard but it will be worth it. And even when it feels like it’s not, you will still get through it.


You can do this mumma.

Sending you love,