30 things no-one tells you


From the minute you pee on the stick and receive a positive reading,  you know your life is about to change forever. But noone ever tells you exactly how GREAT that change will be. There may be a number of reasons for this.. and nothing will truly ever prepare you for the journey you’re about to embark on, but here’s my list of things noone tells you about pregnancy, birth and motherhood.

1. Morning sickness doesn’t just happen in the morning and it doesn’t always miraculously pass after 12 weeks. It also doesn’t just mean vomitting and sometimes if you’re super lucky it doesn’t even happen at all.

2. You will have dreams when you’re pregnant. Weird dreams. Scary dreams. Crazy dreams.

3. You may or may not have any cravings. Not even weird ones. Just none at all.

4. Heartburn is a bitch.  So is hair loss, hair growth, swollen feet, swollen hands, stretch marks, cellulite, dietary restrictions, cramps, sciatica, back pain, seat belts, weak bladder, hormones and at times just breathing in general.

5. You will never sleep comfortably again. Never. Save your money. All these pregnant pillows and gadgets won’t make a difference.

6. You will find people are rude and invasive. Maybe it’s your hormones or maybe just MAYBE you should stop touching my stomach and telling me how huge I am.

7. Your body will morph, change and do things you never thought were possible.

8. You will be tired and lazier than usual. Carrying and growing a human is hard work, plus you’ll think twice about whether or not you really need that object you dropped on the floor.

9. You will google like you have NEVER googled before.

10. You will be scared. Terrified. Frightened. Stressed. Anxious. Nervous. Alot more than usual.


11. You will never be prepared enough for the birth. So just try and relax and go with the flow.

12. Take the drugs if you need to. Do what ever you have to to survive the process.

13. Everything will leak. Like… EVERYTHING.

14. You will cry and scream…alot  during birth.

15. You might shake uncontrollably during labour.

16. You will be poked, prodded, harassed, & violated by hundreds of different people. They’ve seen it all before so leave your dignity at the door.

17. You will have pains after the birth. In your stomach, down below, your boobs, your head, your entire body will ache. Don’t get me started on the after birth poo 🤕

18. Your stomach won’t always instantly deflate. Your body will change in someway or another forever.

19. You will want to give up. You will swear to never have another child again. But odds are you probably will.

20. You will fall in love. With your baby, with your partner and with yourself for what you’ve just achieved.  Maybe not all 3 at the same time. And maybe not all 3 instantly. But eventually.

21. You will be high in the first few days after the birth. High on life. On adrenaline. You will also be delusional and in shock, as well as weirdly happy for probably 2 days.

22. Day 3 is the worst. Sometimes day 4, 5, & 6 too. Sometimes longer. But be prepared for day 3. Your baby is adjusting to the world. To life outside the womb. To air. To food.  They will be hungry and you will most probably have no milk yet. So they will cry. And cry and cry and cry….


23.  The only conversations you will have will be about:
-The birth
-Who the baby looks like
-When the next one is
-How tired you are
-If the baby is a ‘good baby’ (seriously)

24. You will never sleep in again. Or sleep comfortably. Or peacefully. Or just sleep in general. Therefore you will be tired.  Really effing tired.

25. You will fight with your partner. Alot. Who’s more tired, who works harder, who’s turn it is to feed/change/settle/cook/clean/shower.

26. You will feel like giving up. You will feel like you have failed. Like you’re not good enough or doing enough. You will question everything you do.


27. You will receive “advice” from everyone. Everyone will become a parenting expert.

28. You will miss your old life. Your old self. Your own time. The silence. The freedom. The sleep. The long showers/baths. The privacy. You will finally realise how you took all these simple things for granted. Then you’ll feel guilty for feeling this way.

29. You will be forgotten. Sometimes totally. Sometimes just for a while. But people will always look for the baby before they acknowledge you.

30. You will survive. No matter how bad your day is. No matter how many times you’ve cried or screamed or lost your cool. You WILL get through it. It will be hard but it will be worth it. And even when it feels like it’s not, you will still get through it.


You can do this mumma.

Sending you love,

Self Love

I, many times, since becoming a mum have preached the “self love” argument.

I truely believe it is SO important and one of the fundamental components of raising healthy children.  Ultimately this is why I preach it. For my kids. I never want them to feel unloved. I never want them to hate parts of themselves.  I never want them to look in the mirror and hate what they see.

And so, I preach self love and acceptance on a daily basis. (Monkey see, monkey do.)

However for ME practicing self love is easier said than done. I say it, post it, write it but deep down I don’t ultimately believe all aspects of it with myself.

Everytime I jump in the shower I look in the mirror and hate what I see.

I look at the body that literally gave life to the two kids laughing inside, or sweetly tucked into their beds and my mind starts…


That’s disgusting.

How fat are you?!!

Is that another roll on your stomach?

What’s that mark?

Your SO fat even your undies leave marks on you.

Your thighs are still touching!

When did your boobs get so saggy?

Look how old your face looks!

Are those wrinkles?

The light really makes your grey hair show.

And it continues….

Almost everyday this occurs.

Most days my common sense will kick in and snap me out of it.

“STOP. You gave birth and created two children from this body. If it wasn’t for what you see here they wouldn’t be alive today and your life would not be the same. You’re not 18 anymore, you’re almost 30!” Alot has changed in life since you were 18 so obviously this body has followed suit!

But it really got me thinking…. Am I alone in this battle? Am I the only one being a hypocrite about the whole “self love” movement?

On the grand scale of things I have come to accept my body and its changes but I don’t love it. And to be honest I don’t know if I ever will.

I’m not comparing it to anyone elses body. I’m not wishing I had a Kim K ass or Pamela Andersons boobs. I don’t jump on every new fitness craze and hope for a thinner waist and wider booty. I just look in the mirror and wish for my old body back. MY OWN pre mum bod. The one that wasn’t as flabby, loose or scarred.

I don’t care what others think. It’s a battle with myself. Not with other people’s opinions.  You can tell me how good I look after 2 kids a thousand times a day and I won’t believe you. You can also tell me how fat I am and I won’t listen.

My battle is not with YOUR opinion of me. It’s with my OWN opinion of myself. No-one can change this but me. It’s part of MY self love journey. One I still need to work on. I may not LOVE what I see, but I LOVE what it gave me, so I have perspective. 

The term “self love” gets thrown around so often and it’s actual definition encompasses so much more than we know.

One thing I have realised is that self love means something different for each person. We all have different ways in which we show ourselves love and appreciation. The more we experience and mature in life, the more self love we develop.

“Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth. Self-love is dynamic; it grows by actions that mature us.” – Deborah Khoshaba

Practicing self love can be challenging and it’s different for everyone. Some days it may be meditation, healthy eating and yoga, whereas for others it looks like binge watching TV shows in their pjs.

For some it may be saying NO and cutting ties, whereas for others it means saying YES to something new.

Whatever it looks like, whatever it is, you must make it a priority for YOU.

How do you practice “self love”?

Sending you love,

